In today's challenging economic climate, it's easy to get caught up in negativity and fear. The news cycle can be overwhelming and can lead us to believe that the world is a bleak and hopeless place. However, it's important to remember that we have a choice in how we react to the challenges and obstacles that come our way. We can either stick our heads in the sand and ignore the challenges, or we can choose to be positive and look for opportunities around us.
As a leader of a high growth organisation it is vital that you are personally in a good place to front up to the challenges ahead, as well as ensuring that you are equipped with the right skills, have a great team of people around you and your are focused on what is need to get done.
Over the coming weeks we are going to share with you a series of articles, videos, tools and assessments all designed to provide you with a winning mindset, a positive outlook and the ability to recognise opportunities that can be transformative for you and your business. Rather than sticking our heads in the sand and hoping these challenges simply disappear, we are advocating having your antennae up and being alert and attentive to opportunities. This will require you to being open-minded, proactive and having a curious mindset, which in turn can lead to discovering new opportunities that can benefit you personally or professionally.

Sticking our heads in the sand is a common response to challenges and obstacles. It's a way to avoid facing the reality of a situation and the fear that comes along with it. However, this approach only prolongs the problem and doesn't lead to a solution. The challenges we face in life will not simply go away just because we ignore them.
On the other hand, choosing to be positive and look for opportunities can be transformative. It shifts our focus from the negative to the positive and helps us see the world in a more optimistic light. When we look for opportunities, we are more likely to find them. Opportunities come in many forms - new clients, new team members, new partnerships and new innovations. Lean forward into these opportunities and Bring it On....!!
Here are some tips designed to help you thrive in challenging times :
- Stay positive and maintain a growth mindset
- Build resilience through exercise, mindfulness, and self-care
- Prioritise through planning and time-management
- Seek support from loved ones, colleagues and peer groups
- Stay informed: Keep up with the latest news, trends, and developments in your field or industry.
- Keep learning: Stay curious and continue to learn new skills and knowledge. This can help you spot opportunities that others may miss.
- Practice gratitude and look for opportunities in challenges
- Have a clear vision of what great looks like
- Maintain a healthy work-life balance
- Keep perspective and maintain a long-term view
Quote of the week:
“We all have battles to fight. And it's often in those battles that we are most alive: it's on the frontlines of our lives that we earn wisdom, create joy, forge friendships, discover happiness, find love, and do purposeful work.” — Eric Greitens

Neale Lewis, is a certified Scaling Up coach with a proven track record for delivering substantial business growth and performance improvements for ambitious high growth organisations